

A Little Grammar Goes a Long Way

関西外国語大学教授 岡田伸夫が英語文法を考察するコラム




5. その他の小節
(32) a. Stiph's sport coat was draped over his shoulders without [his arms being in the sleeves].--Carkeet (1980)
  b. Without [anyone noticing], I slipped out of the room.--Quirk et al. (1985)

原因・理由をあげるときに用いるwhat withはいろいろな統語構造を従えることができます(岡田 2000)。次の(33)a, bは名詞句を従える例です。(33)cでは動名詞を従えています。
(33) a. "In these times especially, what with [Arthur and all]. People out there are talking about us."--Carkeet (1980)
  b. He had always had a problem remembering his salary, what with [the way it changed every year].--Carkeet (1991)
  c. And their mums haven't got time to look after them properly nowadays ― what with [going out to work so much].--Christy (1972)

what withが小節を従えることもあります。次の(34)a-cではwhat withの後ろに小節が来ています。
(34) a. What with [it raining all day long], I didn't get a chance to hang the washing out.--Radford (1988)
  b. The population is down by four since the Stiph thing, what with [parents taking their children out of the program].--Carkeet (1980)
  c. What with [hijackers about] and kidnapping and all the rest of it, I don't feel really protected anywhere.--Christy (1972)

(34)cではwhat withに続く部分が等位接続されていますが,最初のhijackers about(ハイジャッカーがうろついていて)が小節です。

今日は,例外節と無動詞節を小節と呼び,小節がどのような文脈に現れるかを見てきました。there構文,with,without,what withに続く小節というコンセプトは今まであまりなじみがなかったのではないでしょうか。また,独立分詞構文との違いにも触れました。

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Frank, Marcella (1972) Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide, Prentice-Hall, New York.
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Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, Longman, London.
Radford, Andrew (1988) Transformational Grammar: A First Course, Cambridge University Press, New York.
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BNC=The British National Corpus.
Caldwell, Erskine (1966) "The Visitor," The Stories of Erskine Caldwell, 521-527, The University of Georgia Press, Athens.
Carkeet, David (1980) Double Negative, Washington Square Press, New York.
Carkeet, David (1991) The Full Catastrophe, Washington Square Press, New York.
Chomsky, Noam (1984) Modular Approaches to the Study of the Mind, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.
Christy, Agatha (1972) Nemesis, Fontana.
Maruyama, Takao and Jim Knudsen (2000) A Shorter Course in English Jokes, Nan'un-do.
Masfield, Katherine (1990) "The Little Girl," Collected Modern Short Stories: Love & Humor, 62-69, Macmillan LanguageHouse.
Maugham, W. Somerset (1951) Collected Short Stories, Volume 2, Penguin Books.
Maugham, W. Somerset (1963) Collected Short Stories, Volume 1, Penguin Books.
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Swados, Harvey (1991) "The Tree of Life," Growing Up in America, ed. with notes by Soichi Tanabe and Dennis R. Hoerner, 1-15, New Currents International.
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A Little Grammer Goes a Long Way

大阪大学教授 岡田伸夫